19 Jul 2012




廚房/ 器皿 借用申


NAME OF FELLOWSHIP 所屬團契:                    ___________________________________

USAGE 用途:                                 ______________________________________________

NAME OF RENTER 借用人姓名:                         ___________________________________

CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 聯絡電話:         _______________________________

DATE OF RENTAL 借用日期:                 ________________________________________

TIME OF RENTAL 借用時間:                  ________________________________________

AREA /EQUIPTMENT 借用地方/器具:       _____________________________________

DATE OF RETURN 預算交還日期:       ________________________________________

TIME OF RETURN 預算交還時間:        ________________________________________


I acknowledge and agree to follow the above mentioned obligation. 本人已閱讀上列守則並同意遵守。


APPLICANT 借用人 (Print) ___________________      簽名    _______________



For Office Use辦公室用

APPROVED BY批准人:              ________________________________________

SIGNED BY批准人簽名:            ________________________________________

APPROVAL DATE批准日期:       ________________________________

Date of Return交還日期:


Time of Return交還時間: Received By 經手人:



  1. Please be careful when using the utensils and make sure it is in good condition when returned. When returning items, please inform the person in charge, to ensure items are returned properly, please do not place the rental items back yourself. If there are any damages done to the items, the renter would be held responsible;請小心使用借用器皿,確保在交還時原好無缺。 物品退還時,務請先通知負責人,檢查清楚,方算交收妥當,切勿擅自擺放,否則器皿若有遺失或損壞,一切由借用人負責;
  2. Please ensure you clean the area after usage; 借用地方,必須事後自行清理;
  3. If there are any questions in regards to use of utensils and equipments, please ask the person in charge; 倘若使用上遇有不明白之處,請向負責人查詢。